Wednesday 11 April 2012

:: Competitions ::

Turbo Chef ultimate Giveaway
:: Megann’s  Kitchen ::

:: I used the turbo chef in everyday cooking ::

Extract from Megann’s Easy Kitchen
“I have to say there are some items & products in my kitchen I simply couldn’t live without. They are things that I rate highly in efficiency & quality. I am going to bring a few essential items to you under the title Easy Kitchen. It is aimed at products in the kitchen that make my life just that little bit easier, & hopefully yours too. They are a few items that I believe help a kitchen to work like a dream, so please enjoy my new Easy Kitchen in the new year!”

My personal Giveaway criteria
The products that I offer as giveaways have been generously contributed by companies that meet strict criteria. These aren’t just any products, no no. These ultimate kitchen pieces are currently used & loved in my kitchen. I simply want to pass on to you what I believe every kitchen should have.
the Competition Sponsor
Welcome to another Megann’s Kitchen’s ultimate giveaway. Tupperware Australia has kindly provided us with some products from Easy Kitchen’s featured post of the Tupperware Turbo Chef. Click through to find some great Tupperware products on their web site at a fantastic price, plus read the Megann's Kitchen review here.

:: the turbo chef makes chopping a breeze ::

the Competition Details
Simply leave a comment at the bottom of this post or the Megann’s Kitchen Facebook page answering this simple question- in approximately 25 words or less:

“How would a Tupperware Turbo Chef help make life in your kitchen easier?”

Like this competition? Don’t forget to sign up for Megann’s Kitchen e-newsletter, facebook page or join the blog site to find out about more fantastic giveaways! See right of screen.

Terms & Conditions
    There is one chance to win: Tupperware has provided us with 1 amazing Turbo Chef, thank you!
    The competition commences 11:59pm A.E.S.T on Thursday 12th April 2012. Entries close 11.59pm A.E.S.T on Wednesday 30th April 2012
    Good NEWS! You can enter as many times as you like.
    Each individual entry will be judged based on literary and creative merit, then placed into a draw of 10 finalists. The winning entry will be extracted from a draw of 10 finalists, based on chance.
    Prizes are not transferable or exchangeable & cannot be taken as cash.
    The total RRP of the prize is AU $59.20
    Winners will be announced on Megann’s Kitchen blog site & Facebook page. Keep on clicking in to see if you are a winner!
    Competition is open internationally = everyone!

:: making tatar sauce is now so easy ::

Update - this competition is now closed.

:: the finalists ready to be drawn by my husband, Mick ::

and the WINNER is....
Ta DA! The winner of the Megann's Kitchen Tupperware Comptetion is... Danielle! Congratulations on your winning entry.


  1. Your review highlighted some amazing features. 288 knife cuts with a few string pulls? Wow! But best of all - no-cry onion chopping. BLISS.

  2. No more crying or Wearing googles,
    Chewing gum or cutting over ovens.
    In 15 seconds my onions cut fine,
    The Turbo chef would be so divine.

  3. Having a turbo chef would make my life easy to prepare lots of yummy meals I have shied away from due to having to cut up so much

  4. 'Cuts' preparation time, amount of mess and dishes used, and even accidental kitchen related injuries to next to nothing!

  5. Tupperware Turbo Chef
    Onion and other
    Heaven to have
    Easy to use, can’t live without

  6. I can get my 5 yr old daughter to chop up the onions for me and best of all NO MORE TEARS :)

  7. Imagine chopping an onion with no more tears...
    There would be lots of cheers!

  8. Turbo Chef is CUTTING edge. Can't wait to CARVE 'em up. I'll be the SHARPEST thing on the block. Let's CHOP to it!

  9. Turbo Chef is the ultimate tool
    For home, work and school
    Time, housework, kids leading me astray
    When we're hungry, we want it right away

  10. WOW! Such amazing entries so far! Keep the creativity & love for an Easy Kitchen coming.

  11. Fish and steaks - with the Tupperware Turbo, no sooner marinade then done!

  12. Turbo Chef is here to stay.
    Move over knifes & get out of my way.
    15 seconds & my food is cut,
    I want one now, before it's to late.

  13. AND the WINNER of the Tupperware Turbo Chef is..... Danielle! Congratulations, this amazing kitchen tool will be heading your way shortly!!!
