Friday 3 February 2012

:: Friendly Friands ::

Friands of Love
:: Megann’s Kitchen ::

:: valentine's day raspberry friands ::

It was February in 2009 that I first made these Friands inspired by Donna Hay’s Classics Cookbook 2. It was the time of the devastating bushfires in Victoria & one of them threatened my hometown of Myrtleford in the Alpine Shire. Many of my friends & loved ones were on high alert. All of them were fighting – fighting the fire in the Country Fire Authority (CFA), fighting for their homes & fighting for the town that I know & love. I felt so helpless being so far away. What could I do? I decided to hold a bake sale to raise money for the Red Cross Bushfire Appeal who had a bushfire appeal. I took a selection of baked treats to both my work and my husband’s & due to the generosity of the contributors we made almost $500!

I just love Friands – because of their name, they make me think of my friends & the people that I love in life. I have continued to make these gorgeous treats time & time again just adoring the simplicity of them. They can come in the guise of blueberry as well, one of my favourites, but this time I made red raspberry ones for my friend & Valentine. Mick – I heart you... in friands!

125g butter
1 tsp vanilla paste or extract
1 cup almond meal
1 ½ cups icing sugar sifted
¾ cup plain flour sifted
½ tsp baking powder
5 egg whites of large eggs
1 punnet of fresh berries

Preheat your oven
180°C (350°F)Pre-prepare by greasing & flouring a friand or muffin tin (this time I chose a heart shaped silicone mould). Place the butter & vanilla over low heat, melting it & allowing it to bubble until it starts to go just golden in colour. Set aside to cool slightly.
Place almond meal, icing sugar, flour & baking powder in a bowl & stir to combine. Beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form. Fold in the egg whites, and stir until just combined. Add the melted butter mixture & fold again until just mixed in. Spoon approx 2 tablespoons of the mixture into each prepared mould, then place chosen berries on top by gently pushing them in until they are just poking up from the mixture. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until golden & springy on top but still moist in the centre. Leave to cool for 10 minutes & turn out onto a wire rack.

:: makes approximately 10 gorgeous friands.

:: beating egg whites to a soft peak ::
:: folding through the eggwhites into the mixture ::

To Serve
:: Simply dust with icing sugar. For an extra indulgence, I sometimes like to warm them & add a dollop of double cream. Ooooohhhh!!!

:: my little kitchen helper ::
:: cleaing up the dishes ::

Kitchen Notes
::  As mentioned, you can choose any berry that you like! I have used blueberries, strawberries & raspberries all successfully. You could also try blackberries or peaches. 
:: I also like to make mini friends for my toddler – he loves to help make them as well! 
:: Whenever you have leftover eggwhites, friends are a great solution. Eggwhites can keep up to two weeks in the fridge if in a sealed container. 
:: Friands freeze very well. These make for a great lunchbox snack as they thaw just in time for morning tea as well as holding their shape. 
:: Replace the flour with a gluten free substitute to make friands for coeliac friends.

:: strawberry friands cooling in a mini muffin tin ::

:: The friand pastry, which has become popular in Australia & New Zealand appears to have been based on the French financier; however, Australian & New Zealand friands typically have additional flavourings such as fruit, coconut, chocolate, and nuts. Australian & New Zealand friands are also typically baked in oval shapes.

:: making mini strawberry friands ::

:: A financier is a small French cake, often mistaken for a pastry. The financier is a light, moist teacake, similar to sponge cake, and usually contains almond flour, crushed or ground almonds, or almond flavoring. The basis of the cake itself is beurre noisette (brown butter), egg whites, powdered sugar and flour. Financiers are often baked in shaped moulds. The name "financier" is said to derive from the traditional rectangular mould, which resembles a bar of gold. Another theory says that the cake became popular in the financial district of Paris surrounding La Bourse du Commerce (the former name of the Paris stock exchange).

:: flavourful raspberry friands ::

Financiers are often served topped with whipped cream, berries, or other fruit, and served accompanied by ice cream or other frozen confections. Financier pans are traditionally rectangular; however, other shapes are not uncommon.

:: The origins for the “friand” is sourced from Wikipedia.

I would also love to see your Megann's Kitchen Creations/photos of recipes that you have made on Megann’s Kitchen Facebook


  1. Oh, Megann, your love for your friends and family come through so clearly in this post. Well, they do in every one of your posts, but in this one you wrote "Whenever you have leftover egg whites, friends are a great solution.". Please, please don't correct it. I love that your friends were on your mind so much that you used the very word that friands remind you of. It made me smile just thinking of how lucky they are to have you in their lives.

    Your recipe looks amazing - it definitely goes on the list of dishes I want to make. Will let you know how it goes :)

  2. Hahaha, so true Paola. So many memories of my food include some very special people & events in my life... though I have to admit that spellcheck's auto correct played some havoc on my on my post changing it when I wasn't looking!!! But so true, whenever you have leftover ANYTHING friends (& friands) are a fabulous solution & I am sure they will all agree!

    Thanks for your feedback Paola... I will leave it as is just for you.
