Saturday 21 May 2011

:: Order in the Kitchen ::

Freezer Labels
:: Megann’s Kitchen ::

:: my favourite freezer labels ::

 “Is this pizza sauce, pasta sauce or Moroccan lamb?” I said to my husband squinting through the Tupperware container trying to figure out the frozen contents. I had made a double batch of pizza dough & we were making fresh pizzas for some friends that evening. I had also pre-made some pizza sauce and frozen it, yet all those red, tomatoey based sauces seem to look very similar when frozen. “No, this has got to be it.” I said confidently picking a container. “I must have put it in this the red one, it matches the pizza maker.” Needless to say, Moroccan lamb pizzas were added to the menu that night.

It was then one fine day that I was spending an hour (or two) on Martha Stewart’s web site & I came across some freezer labels. These “Freezer Labels” help me immensely in the kitchen in so many ways. I simply circle the date when I freeze leftovers & pre-prepared meals for my toddler, sticky tape the label to make it frost proof, trim the edges & stick it on.

:: healthy meals frozen for my little guy ::

It not only helps me label in the freezer but also helps me in the fridge. Making up a number of meals? Have a large family to communicate to? People with diet restrictions in the family? These freezer labels are great for forgetful minds, busy lives & can solve some big headaches.
When taking food parcels for friends, I also re-label the side with a “Best Before” date if the food isn’t frozen for them. It is just so that they don’t leave it sitting in their fridge for too long & know when exactly to throw it out.

:: freezer labels cut & ready to use ::

How to use: I print them out, cut them up with a metal ruler and Stanley knife (or you can cut them with scissors) & keep a stock of them for when I am in need of them. It is also suggested to print them on to self adhesive paper, an option which I haven’t done yet but would be very convenient.

:: kept in a zip lock bag with magnet on the side of fridge ::

:: the magnet easy to attach with sticky tape ::

Handy Hint: I print a few pages at a time & prepare them so they are ready to use. I keep them in a zip lock bag with an old fridge magnet attached to it on the side of the fridge with a pen so they are at the ready when I make meals.

Source: Martha Stewarts Website of clip art & good things

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